BIM, Building Information Modeling, represents a set of information about a building, or any object built or to be built.

Compared to the past, when building information was only present in 2D, now with BIM the digital representation of the building is made with three-dimensional objects: this is the case for walls, pillars, fixtures or lifelines.

In addition to the components of a building, it is possible for the BIM file to contain information about the life cycle of the building and its maintenance requirements; information such as time planning, cost estimation and sustainability can be further developments of BIM models.

Sicurpal has decided to deepen and implement this path that BIM invites us, as manufacturing companies, to put into practice, with the creation of a content library of different types of lifelines, available for all professionals to download, subject to registration.

Available in our library are:

  • Sicurlam Life Line, the Sicurpal plate specifically for sheet metal roofing,
  • Shed Line, stainless steel and hot-dip galvanised wall plate for curbs and prefabricated elements,
  • PBS Line, our best-selling deformation post,
  • LVB, our invisible device for historic buildings,
  • Basic Line, the Sicurpal galvanised pole that offers excellent value for money.
    For this line, in order to facilitate designers, model compositions have also been included as a practical reference.


Click here to access the Sicurpal BIM library